Category: Pastor Dan Wagner

The Bible Fellowship Church of Camden (BFC Camden) is part of The Bible Fellowship Church: "An Expanding Fellowship of Churches United to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ." BFC Camden honors the Word of God and the God of the Word, and we seek to be a safe environment for both spiritual healing and growth.

Priority and Commitment

The “spiritual post-mortem” of our lives, our “spiritual autopsy,” will reveal what we prioritized and truly committed to during our physical life. That is quite true, and it also is quite tragic—our “spiritual autopsy” should not reveal what we prioritized, it should confirm what everyone already should have seen!

December 3, 2023 0

Detour in blessing

Most of the time, we are so focused on “our usual route” that we fail to take advantage of the new experiences and blessings of a detour that God arranges so that He can use us to minister to those with whom we don’t ordinarily cross paths.

November 26, 2023 0

Believers should have Thanks-Living

“Believers should have Thanks-Living” because the LORD God is the Source of all good things which He freely and graciously sends our way—for which we should be exceedingly thankful every day of our lives!

November 19, 2023 0

Faith causes quite a stir!

Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ today have exactly the same power available from God the Holy Spirit that was available to believers in the 1st-century, so it is not His fault that we do not see similar results!

November 12, 2023 0

God the Holy Spirit ministers in Ephesus

Human effort will give a certain amount of energy, but it is unsustainable in spiritual matters. Remember the “stony ground” and the “thorny ground” in the parable of the sower? No Fruit! Only “Holy Spirit power” is consistently sustainable.

November 5, 2023 0

Up’s and Down’s in ministry

“A strategic setup move” may be quite intentional on our part—like paying off a loan early, or we may be completely oblivious to “a strategic setup move” until after the fact.

October 29, 2023 0

A strategic setup move

“A strategic setup move” may be quite intentional on our part—like paying off a loan early, or we may be completely oblivious to “a strategic setup move” until after the fact.

October 15, 2023 0

Again? No, not this time!

Along the way, Paul could have questioned the Lord’s promise to him that no one would harm him. The Lord never is late, and the Lord never is early. We always, always, always, always can trust His timing.

October 8, 2023 0

Led to stay

God the Holy Spirit led Paul from the Roman province of Asia across the sea to Macedonia, where God the Holy Spirit led him to various cities for short times until leading him to remain in the strategically placed commercial city of Corinth for long-term evangelism.

October 1, 2023 0


Some people attempt to “spiritualize” everything in Scripture, rather than understand it as history. Sometimes we skim a passage and miss blessings.

September 24, 2023 0