Category: Jonah

The Bible Fellowship Church of Camden (BFC Camden) is part of The Bible Fellowship Church: "An Expanding Fellowship of Churches United to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ." BFC Camden honors the Word of God and the God of the Word, and we seek to be a safe environment for both spiritual healing and growth.

What they deserve! What the LORD desires! – Part 2

The LORD extends His extreme grace to all people everywhere over and over and over, day after day after day, but not forever. We all have an obligation to the LORD to respond to Him before He closes the door to us forever—with no chance for Him to reopen it.

September 15, 2024 0

What they deserve! What the LORD desires!

The LORD extends His extreme grace to all people everywhere over and over and over, day after day after day, but not forever. We all have an obligation to the LORD to respond to Him before He closes the door to us forever—with no chance for Him to reopen it.

September 8, 2024 0


The LORD extends His extreme grace to all people everywhere over and over and over, day after day after day, but not forever. We all have an obligation to the LORD to respond to Him before He closes the door to us forever—with no chance for Him to reopen it.

September 1, 2024 0

Thrown upon the LORD’s mercy

“Thrown upon the LORD’s mercy” is a very powerful position, and it is the only position from which a person can surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior from sin.

August 18, 2024 0

He catches up to you

“He catches up to you” is an immutable spiritual truth, not only during physical life on earth but for eternity! One commercial says, “Don’t leave home without it.” The LORD’s saints must tell people, “Don’t leave this life without the Lord Jesus Christ!”

August 11, 2024 0

Loud and Clear!

The LORD communicated “Loud and Clear!” to Jonah, and vice-versa. This has been the mismatch since Adam’s sin. Man claims to want to know “God’s will”—as long as it aligns with what I already am doing.

August 4, 2024 0

Introduction to Jonah

Jonah was a prophet of Israel who lived about the time of Jeroboam II (2Kgs. 14:25). His name means dove, and he occupies a unique place as the first foreign missionary. The historical character of Jonah’s preservation in the great fish and his preaching to the inhabitants of Nineveh is attested by Christ, who likens the prophet’s experience to His own burial and resurrection (Mat. 12:38–42).

July 28, 2024 0